Support the Abbey
St. Joseph’s Abbey is a haven of peace and prayer for many, many people. Visitors arrive daily from all over the country; others visit us regularly on our website to read the Abbey Diary and other special features. Following the Rule of St. Benedict, we strive to earn our living by the work of our own hands through our industries: The Spencer Brewery, Trappist Preserves, and The Holy Rood Guild. Nevertheless, to maintain our beautiful buildings and abbey grounds we find it necessary to supplement the income generated by our industries. We need your help to continue our monastic presence and ministry of hospitality.
Support our Retreat House
We have been providing a peaceful and comfortable retreat environment for priests, religious, and laity of all denominations for over 60 years. This includes: private room and bath, three meals a day, and the opportunity to participate in retreat conferences, speak with the retreat master, and share in the prayer of the monks. We are trying to build an endowment which will be used for ongoing maintenance of the Retreat House and necessary improvements, as well as assist those who do not have the means but would like to make a retreat as well.
Support St. Joseph’s Abbey
We have a beautiful and very large campus with maintenance needs ranging from repair of service roads to pointing our stone and brick buildings. We give great attention to the landscape around the abbey which visitors much appreciate. Our industries produce the highest quality products. All of this requires constant care and attention to maintain our facilities, especially now after 70 years in this our monastic home. Your help will enable us to share the fruits of our monastic life in our hidden life of prayer and work.
Your tax-deductible contribution supports our monastic life and hospitality. We are a 501(c)3 tax exempt charitable organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of Massachusetts. If you would like to include the Abbey or Retreat House in your will or estate planning, or have other questions, please contact the Cellarer (Business Manager) at cellarer@spencerabbey.org or call 508.885.8700 x550.
Credit card contributions may be made by using PayPal (PayPal account is not required)
Checks may be made payable to St. Joseph’s Abbey and sent directly to:
Support our Retreat House
St. Joseph’s Abbey
167 N. Spencer Road
Spencer, MA 01562
Support the Abbey
St. Joseph’s Abbey
167 N. Spencer Road
Spencer, MA 01562
Thank You!
The Monks of St. Joseph’s Abbey